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Privacy Policy

Read our terms and conditions of use.

At SBT, we are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. As a result, SBT has created this privacy policy in order to clarify to our customers the manner in which SBT will and will not use the information which our customers provide to us through our website.


The information that customers provide to SBT is used:

  • To allow our customers to purchase our products online
  • To provide our customers with personalized website content tailored to the particular interests of each individual customer
  • To continuously improve the convenience and functionality of our website
  • For market analysis and other internal purposes
  • To provide to our customers promotions through SBT

“My SBT Account”

When you set up your “My SBT” Account you will be asked to provide your email address and a password, as well as provide information regarding your vehicle. The information you provide in your “My SBT” Account allows SBT to personalize searches and facilitate the ordering process. During registration of your “My SBT” Account, SBT will ask for your name, address, e-mail address and other personal information. The more information you voluntarily provide (and the more accurate it is), the better SBT will be able to customize your experience.


Our website utilizes both a shopping cart and e-mail forms for customers to request.


School Bus Tools

Diagnostic Tools – Diagnostic Software
3258 Pine Forest Drive
Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

Phone: 727.482.3049
Email: sales@schoolbustools.com

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